The Leading Edge: Celebrating Leadership Montana - a message from Chantel Schieffer
A round, rocky outcropping above a bright green valley with water


Message from president/CEO Chantel Schieffer

This past week, 200 Leadership Montana alumni, sponsors, friends, and classmates gathered to Celebrate Montana at our annual dinner in Billings. That celebration extended well beyond our geographical borders as Montana isn’t just where we live…Montana is who we are.

The spirit of Montana runs deep inside all of us. We are complex and strong…resilient and productive…hard working, hard playing, and sometimes a little wild.

Because that spirit of Montana is in each of us, we are drawn to Leadership Montana.

For the last 15 years, Leadership Montana has developed leaders committed to building a better Montana and it is important that we pause often to celebrate each other and the remarkable successes of our first 15 years.

We invite you to share with us your celebrations of Leadership Montana.

Who has impacted you? Help us celebrate those individuals by telling us your story.

I can’t wait to read your tributes.

Snow capped mountains beneath a deep blue sky.
Finding Common Ground in Uncommon Places
March 30, 2018
A round, rocky outcropping above a bright green valley with water
May 31, 2018